High Steppin’ Cowboy

High Steppin Cowboy by Travis Yates HM1 Ret. Singer - Songwriter - Guitarist - Bassist
Travis Yates HM1 Ret.
Producer: Travis Yates HM1 Ret.
Key: Bm

This is a song about an entertainer who plays the game of celebrity; crowds excited about their shows and seeing them on stage.  The irony is that the artist carries doubts and insecurities within himself.  He is flamboyant and confident on stage but starts to believe his own press.  But the truth is that he suffers from depression and self doubt and masks it with sleeping around.  His girlfriend/wife leaving him is of no consequence to him because of his own perceived importance as a celebrity.  But fame comes and goes as fast as it came.  He doesn’t see the writing on the wall of his popularity dimming but his agent lands another show because the entertainer is just a product and soon the product’s popularity dies leaving the artist poor and alone once again.



1.High Steppin' Cowboy by Travis Yates HM1 Ret. Singer - Songwriter - Guitarist - Bassist

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