Winds of War: Never Again is a song that is tragic and emotional. It’s a first person narrative of a man who, as a soldier or corpsman, has been wounded in war and knows he is dying. His thoughts are not about politics, the military, his mortgage or any other unimportant element of his life. His thoughts are that of his loved ones he’s leaving behind;….his wife and children; that’s what’s important to him when he knows his life is at an end.
I wrote this song to honor those men and women who fought, were wounded and/or died in combat. So often we hear people say to honor those who have given their lives for us but I also want to honor those who they left behind as well; moms, dads, brothers, husbands, wives, sisters, girlfriends, boyfriends, sons, daughters and fellow comrades in arms; all of these are left behind to carry the memory of a person they loved.
I especially wanted to remind us all that a soldier/sailor/airman who is killed in war who leaves a wife or husband and their children is especially heart wrenching and tragic. They never get to see their children grow up and their children never get to grow up with them. Also, they never get to grow old with their spouse, to hold them again or to love them physically ever again. I wanted to remind all of us that a soldier/sailor/airman who is killed no longer feels the pain of loss once they pass, but their loved ones will cry and grieve for them for the rest of their lives. Maybe not everyday….but definitely for the rest of their lives.
It’s my hope this song is at least a small token of my appreciation and respect for ALL of those, military and civilians alike, who suffer from the loss of loved ones in combat.